I'm Positive! Oh Yes!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 @ 11:15 PM
Today, 13th May, has been a pretty weird Lab Management lesson. The facilitator, Matthew, wanted to try out this new motivation game, in order to motivate the class to be more lively and to participate more.
So for first meeting, we are not allowed to sit down until we have completed our work which is to think of a team name, team cheer and the FMT (First Meeting Template). The cheer has to end with the sentence "I'm positive! OH YES!" Our team name was Dark Desires~ And our cheer was pretty lame and embarrassing.
It goes like:
"Ooo~ We are smart! Ooo~ We are cool!
Anyway, we are not the only teams who were pretty embarrassed. Worse of all whenever we present something, we have to say our cheer at the beginning of the presentation and at the end of it. Yes... For the third meeting as well........ I felt like in some motivation workshop or some camping ice breaker game. One more thing! When the whole class is feeling sleepy (this usually happens in the third meeting), Matthew would stand up, clap his hands twice and snap his fingers. This would means all of us got to stand up, turn around on the spot twice and pump our right hand in the air, saying "OH YES!"
At the end of the day, I felt pretty worn out and of course, feeling positive. This "positive" thing really affect people minds. So hard to concentrate. I would rather not have~
Picture of the Day:
Shred that one huge saddess to many multiple happiness!~ :)
(If you can't see the faces on the shredded paper, they are actually happy smiley faces.)
(I'm not a mother, to those people who wished me =_=)
Labels: birthday, positive, school
Akira Star
Akira Star