Well, Hello There...

Friday, November 02, 2007 @ 11:54 PM

BREAAKK! No more "No meat" already! I need to get ready for tomorrow's Big day! THE AMAZING RACE! So I need more energy! I realized that during those days that I didn't eat meat. I felt hungrier. Don't know why...

Anyway two of my UTs results are out already. Medical technology and Genetics. Not bad results. MCB and Immuno no hope already!! Hope I can just get a C+ and it would be enough already. I never asked for more but if you wanna gimme more, I don't mind but don't give me less!

Today is the last day of Francis Lim's teaching! My MCB facilitator!! He is one faci that gives me ALOT of nicknames!
-Egyptian Woman/Princess
-Hair Twister Woman
-Organelle Woman
-Mitosis Woman
-Golden love triangle person =.=

I always enjoyed reading his comments. So funny!
"By the way, please define aliens in your quiz answer (very funny huh?? Do it properly, it's for your own good dammit!!!)"
Because I wrote nonsense for it =X

Qn: Why is it important for cells to maintain their DNA repair mechanisms?
Ans: If the cells did not maintain their DNA repair mechanisms, then the DNA will not be DNA. And it will spoil and we will all look like aliens.

I missed him already!! T_T
Anyway someone would definitely leave us one day. If it's not now, then it will be sooner or later. So treasure the memories you had with that person. And he/she will not be forgotten.

-We are all misadventurers of life-

Akira Star

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