16 Degree^C Chalet
Sunday, December 31, 2006 @ 7:17 PM
Our chalet, 25th to 27th dec... 3days 2nights... i only came on the 2nd day... cos on the first day, i went to Batam! Didn't take much pixs during the BBQ... Wet and rainy outside... while i was inside shaking leg and waiting to be serve =X

Their shelter~ Sheltering the food from the rain... No wonder the food like got weird taste... mixed with rain water... juz kidding! =X Lookie my pink brella! [pixs taken by puik's camera]

Tsk-tsk... Lisa, Audrey and Peiying treating the toilet as a kitchen...

Food bbq-ing in the rain!~~ looks alright, i think...
After the BBQ, some left like Daphne, Matt, Eric and Runsheng... The rest took turns to bathe...

Then more sitting, playing...
Then we decided to have a pix craze!! =D

Thousand arms Guan Yin/Spider...

Beware Shalee~~ They are trying to get you and your chou chou!!

Star!~ Guess which fingers are mine? >_<

Star made from entirely feet!~ That's not anything you get to see everyday...

Group shot of the remaining people left...

Sadakos are here............ *Oooooo*

Sexy babes~ who would you choose?

"Girl" and "guy" =X
After our photo craze, it's time for gifts exchange!!

Before & After!!
Then all was tired and went to bed... 6 girls squeezed on 2 beds like sardines... Hands and legs everywhere... [ok... i'm juz being exaggerating.]
Next day, eat strawberry cake for breakfast! Yum yum~ With the click of our shoes and off we go!~ Home!~

On the MRT, going towards home sweet home!~~
And sooooo that's the end of this entry... Thank you and good bye!~
Akira Star
Batam trip
@ 5:00 PM
On 25th dec, I went on a Batam trip to celebrate xmas [it's like my mama's xmas gift to us]. Woke up very early... My journey start off at harbour front.

lookie!~ our ferry to Batam!

the inside of the ferry... It takes around 45mins to get there... *pukes* Seasick... gotta sleep... So that's what I did... i slept~~

when i woke up, i'm in Batam waters! =D [no differences actually... juz trying to be sua ku...]
Join our tour group in the shopping centre juz ahead... and was brought to many places... most of them sad to say... are scammers... used to scam tourists... So didn't bought any of them...
One of the stops is a buddhist temples. Never seen such BIG statues before! O_O quite an eye opener!

Big chinese gold ingots located outside the temples. [From the left, Swen(one of the kids travelling with us), Wei Long(my cousin) and Damien(my bro)]

Love stone lions!~ these remind me of my culture lessons where i have to research on them... The first pix is the female lion, as female will have a cub under her left paw [ya... tat crumpled looking thing there is a cub...] and the 2nd pix is the male lion and it's right paw will be resting on a ball...
Next stop! FOOD!!~~ at the Golden Prawn 555 Restaurant... you can guess it... seafood...

There's alot of sea creatures like prawns, crabs, lobsters. But this is my fav... fishes with heads out of water! =D cute rite~~

first dish... ewww... such a turnoff...
After eating, next stop shopping!! Went to 3 shopping centres... First one, dun like it at all... messy... So didn't take pixs of it... played arcade there... 1250 rupiahs for 1 token.

During the bus ride~ Swen insisted to sit beside me... kept jie jie-ing... haiz... Nvm, his cuteness shall cover his annoyance...

2nd shopping centre: Batam Centre Square! Pretty nice there =D don't feel weird like the first one... Eat again! At Breeks. Spend around 300k rupiahs there! lolx~ felt like a rich man in Indonesia.

3rd shopping centre before we go back to Singapore: Mega Mall Batam Centre. This shopping centre reminds me of Suntec =D That's one of the xmas deco there.

Eat again! Man, i'm hungry... lolx!~ A&W's next! It's been a long time since i last eaten A&W... Nice root beer, curly fries and chicken wings!
Next stop: Home~~~

My ticket back to Singapore... Another 45mins... T_T... Sleep~~
And that's the end of my Batam trip!
The end!
Akira Star
Passion Concert
Sunday, December 24, 2006 @ 12:36 PM
This is the beginning of my picture blog =D if i have got the pix, i will blog. So let's begin!
Yesterday on the 23rd Dec, 8pm [actually i went there early by 45mins =X] at Victoria Concert Hall (VCH). The people i went with are Xue Ni and Xue Shan! =D It's been a very long time since i last step into VCH. The last time would be sec5 for my choir SYF. The place still looks very grand looking. This concert costed me $37.40. My seat: roll I, col 5.

The leaflet thingy [I think it's called that] and the ticket my friend, Xue Ni, bought from her sch SAM machine?
The songs they [Yasunori Mitsuda(weird-looking guitar), Ayako(violin), Hiroaki Yura(violin), Zane Banks(guitar), Joshua Hill(percussion) and Natalia(piano), played were heavenly... Very soothing and relaxing. Most of the songs were game songs like Chrono Cross! I didn't took any pixs of them performing as i don't think it's allowed anyway. I onli take pixs of the performers signing autographs. Here they are!~
That's Natalie and Joshua...
Joshua and Ayako... Ayako is pretty and an excellent violinist >_<

The 3 guys are Zane, Hiroaki and Mitsuda... Finally get to see the composer of Chrono Cross's background music!! Yasunori Mitsuda!!! >_< [btw, Mitsuda reminds me of L from Death Note... probably bcos of his hair =X]
Nice combination with 3 japs and 3 ang mo... haha~ These are their signtures =D
These made us reached home very late too... T_T The cds they sold there are EXPENSIVE!! Ranging from $20 to $45 i think... They even sell scores for Chrono Cross[guitar] background music and Sailing to the World[piano]. I realli want the Chrono Cross scores... but too expensive and i dunno how to play a guitar... I realli enjoyed the concert! [Although I think I slept through a few songs i didn't hear before =X can't blame me... the songs realli made good sleeping music =)]
Here are some xmas deco I saw along my way to VCH... [i muz post some xmas pixs Because it's gonna be XMAS!~]
okay! that's my first entry! Next time i will upload the EOY pixs too... =D
Akira Star