Passion Concert
Sunday, December 24, 2006 @ 12:36 PM
This is the beginning of my picture blog =D if i have got the pix, i will blog. So let's begin!
Yesterday on the 23rd Dec, 8pm [actually i went there early by 45mins =X] at Victoria Concert Hall (VCH). The people i went with are Xue Ni and Xue Shan! =D It's been a very long time since i last step into VCH. The last time would be sec5 for my choir SYF. The place still looks very grand looking. This concert costed me $37.40. My seat: roll I, col 5.

The leaflet thingy [I think it's called that] and the ticket my friend, Xue Ni, bought from her sch SAM machine?
The songs they [Yasunori Mitsuda(weird-looking guitar), Ayako(violin), Hiroaki Yura(violin), Zane Banks(guitar), Joshua Hill(percussion) and Natalia(piano), played were heavenly... Very soothing and relaxing. Most of the songs were game songs like Chrono Cross! I didn't took any pixs of them performing as i don't think it's allowed anyway. I onli take pixs of the performers signing autographs. Here they are!~
That's Natalie and Joshua...
Joshua and Ayako... Ayako is pretty and an excellent violinist >_<

The 3 guys are Zane, Hiroaki and Mitsuda... Finally get to see the composer of Chrono Cross's background music!! Yasunori Mitsuda!!! >_< [btw, Mitsuda reminds me of L from Death Note... probably bcos of his hair =X]
Nice combination with 3 japs and 3 ang mo... haha~ These are their signtures =D
These made us reached home very late too... T_T The cds they sold there are EXPENSIVE!! Ranging from $20 to $45 i think... They even sell scores for Chrono Cross[guitar] background music and Sailing to the World[piano]. I realli want the Chrono Cross scores... but too expensive and i dunno how to play a guitar... I realli enjoyed the concert! [Although I think I slept through a few songs i didn't hear before =X can't blame me... the songs realli made good sleeping music =)]
Here are some xmas deco I saw along my way to VCH... [i muz post some xmas pixs Because it's gonna be XMAS!~]
okay! that's my first entry! Next time i will upload the EOY pixs too... =D
Akira Star