Batam trip
Sunday, December 31, 2006 @ 5:00 PM
On 25th dec, I went on a Batam trip to celebrate xmas [it's like my mama's xmas gift to us]. Woke up very early... My journey start off at harbour front.

lookie!~ our ferry to Batam!

the inside of the ferry... It takes around 45mins to get there... *pukes* Seasick... gotta sleep... So that's what I did... i slept~~

when i woke up, i'm in Batam waters! =D [no differences actually... juz trying to be sua ku...]
Join our tour group in the shopping centre juz ahead... and was brought to many places... most of them sad to say... are scammers... used to scam tourists... So didn't bought any of them...
One of the stops is a buddhist temples. Never seen such BIG statues before! O_O quite an eye opener!

Big chinese gold ingots located outside the temples. [From the left, Swen(one of the kids travelling with us), Wei Long(my cousin) and Damien(my bro)]

Love stone lions!~ these remind me of my culture lessons where i have to research on them... The first pix is the female lion, as female will have a cub under her left paw [ya... tat crumpled looking thing there is a cub...] and the 2nd pix is the male lion and it's right paw will be resting on a ball...
Next stop! FOOD!!~~ at the Golden Prawn 555 Restaurant... you can guess it... seafood...

There's alot of sea creatures like prawns, crabs, lobsters. But this is my fav... fishes with heads out of water! =D cute rite~~

first dish... ewww... such a turnoff...
After eating, next stop shopping!! Went to 3 shopping centres... First one, dun like it at all... messy... So didn't take pixs of it... played arcade there... 1250 rupiahs for 1 token.

During the bus ride~ Swen insisted to sit beside me... kept jie jie-ing... haiz... Nvm, his cuteness shall cover his annoyance...

2nd shopping centre: Batam Centre Square! Pretty nice there =D don't feel weird like the first one... Eat again! At Breeks. Spend around 300k rupiahs there! lolx~ felt like a rich man in Indonesia.

3rd shopping centre before we go back to Singapore: Mega Mall Batam Centre. This shopping centre reminds me of Suntec =D That's one of the xmas deco there.

Eat again! Man, i'm hungry... lolx!~ A&W's next! It's been a long time since i last eaten A&W... Nice root beer, curly fries and chicken wings!
Next stop: Home~~~

My ticket back to Singapore... Another 45mins... T_T... Sleep~~
And that's the end of my Batam trip!
The end!
Akira Star
Akira Star