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Rants... Stupid Cough!

Monday, January 12, 2009 @ 11:01 PM

T_T~ My UT 4 (Understanding Test) for Structure Biology confirm a big F already! I have been coughing like for a long time, a month! and maybe most probably a few days plus. But this time, during UT, my cough became worse than ever!! I was trying to control my coughs, praying it would stop. But it didn't. It just continued on until I couldn't stop coughing at all. I was holding my coughs and I coughed with my mouth closed. I dare say my stomach/diagram ached painfully. I can't even continued doing my UT after doing Question 1a. Finally Francis, the facilitator, stood up, came in front of the class, looked at me and pointed towards the door. Yes, I know it myself that I'm distracting my classmates from their test. So I walked out of the class and immediately headed towards the pantry's sink. There, I coughed like I never coughed before. It was continuous and I couldn't control myself. I coughed until tears rolled down my eyes. I felt horrible. I decided to go to the toilet to continue my coughing there... I think I was coughing too loudly. I went into a cubicle and coughed until I puked. My vomit looked white foamy with reddish bits in the end. There's also a rice grain in there too :\ Funny... I didn't recall eating any rice today or even yesterday. Where did it came from? Well, anyway by the time I'm done coughing or feeling much better, I went back to class. I found out there's only 1min and 26seconds left to do my test. I gave up completely. I only did like first question part a and the rest is a complete blank! F! F! F! For sure. I was feeling pretty miserable. I can't even do a retake! It's not like the school's business to care at all. Ah~ Nevermind. I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow with ahsie accompanying me :) Thank you my friend! Thus, this means I'm going to skip school again! Because I've got my final UT for the year and of course, work tomorrow... Hope my coughing fits won't start up again and I'm not chased out for coughing too much. If that happens... I'm going to break down in tears :(

*Sorry for the nonexistence paragraphing. It's a massive rant!!

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