Lab + Party = Ultimate fun :D
Friday, January 09, 2009 @ 12:11 AM
::5th Jan 09::
I wish my posts were not always so late :( And more updated...
Part I: LAB
It's the first day of school and I have labwork for Haematology. It's a pretty awesome lab session! Because it is on Blood Typing. I know I'm a B+, just wanna reconfirm my blood type!! :) So the first step is to prick my finger and collect 500ul of blood in a small tube. My friends helped me to prick my finger ._. Because I don't dare to prick it myself. So the first prick, aiyo only 1-2 drops. Second prick! Third prick!! Fourth prick!!! All the blood not enough and it clotted too quickly. For the fifth prick, I asked my facilitator for help. She only managed to collect a little and told me that I can't do the reverse grouping test because there is not enough blood to centrifuge to get the plasma for testing :(


The little bit that was managed to be collected :(

The forward grouping test... This is the for the later bit where we checked under the microscope to confirm. A, B, AB, D (starting from left to right)

Results under the microscope. Blood agglutination!! :D
(this is for drop D)

The card test! A easier handy way to find out your blood type! :D

Me dripping two drops of my blood (diluted with saline) onto the card for each section of the card and rotating the card to mix the liquids together!

The results. The part where there is blood agglutination shows me what blood type I am.

At the end of the lab lesson, I went back to class with 5 plasters on my fingers and knowing that my blood type is really B+ :)
Part II: GV Staff Party!
Moreover, there is a GV Grand Annual Staff Party 2009 at night, 10pm! But pretty sad, I have work at floor until 12.35am. So I have to finish up my work first like clearing for theaters and washing of the popcorn warmer before joining in the fun. There are food, games, lucky draw and of course, what is GV good for? Movie screening! :D
The food were home-cooked and work-cooked (with leftover popcorn and nacho cheese too!) I didn't eat much... Most probably hungry until not hungry already or going around "koping" people's food earlier :X
We have to be split into teams for the games, Charades and Islander. My team consisted of me, Charlton, ShunAn, Puikwan, ZiJian and lastly, Auntie SohKoon. They named us the Auntie Society because for Auntie SohKoon =__= and not one else wanted to join us because of her D: So while rest of the teams have 9-10 people. We only had 6 people. Pathetic eh? Well, even more pathetic is... WE LOST FOR EVERY GAME! Blehx :P For once, I'm so proud to be in the loser team! xD
For the lucky draw... So sad. I didn't win anything... There were only 30 prizes, ranging from perfumes, canon camera, PDA to a Wii! But *sighs* Didn't win anything!! So fed up :X Anyway I got over it pretty quickly because I enjoyed watching them do forfeits. Because for each number you draw, there might be a god of fortune or a clown printed at the corner of it. A god of fortune = a free pair for GV Grand Gold Class tickets. A clown = forfeit! Some of the forfeits are dancing the VISA dance and writing someone's name with your butt xD
I reached home at 3.15am, rushed to complete my RJ, bathed and went to bed immediately at 3.45am. AND I HAVE SCHOOL THE NEXT DAY. Gonna be uber high :\ Haha. That's how I spent my monday. Fun right? xD *pictures of the party, hopefully I can get them from my manager :(*
Labels: event, fun, lab, school, tired
Akira Star
Akira Star