Well, Hello There...


Wednesday, September 12, 2007 @ 1:03 AM



Anyone can cook!

Believe is a must! Everyone should/must believe in themselves. Although sometimes I can't seem to believe in myself. I know I can do it! But I always condemn myself with bad, negative thoughts. Like I cannot do it, People WILL LAUGH AT ME! So I must try to believe in myself! Try, try, tried --- FAIL!
=( Forget it...

Anyway next up,

Dance Dance Dance! - it's a Musical!

This movie reminds me of High School Musical! Extremely funny!! I think because got this handsome, cute guy also from High School Musical acting in this movie, Hairspray!

Zac Efron as Link Matthew Larkin -whistles-

Presenting Water Babies O_o

My brother brought back funny looking jelly balls... His friend bought 600 of them for $5... So crazy! They are called "Water babies". So weird thing. My brother say they are alive. I DON'T BELIEVE THOSE COLOURFUL BALLS ARE ALIVE!! If they are, that makes me a murderer. Cos I killed/broke/burst 3 of them... My nails too sharp... Was trying to pick them up and ended up breaking them... Anyway these things GROWS![one of my friends who have these too say they can reproduce too @_@] They are getting BIGGER and BIGGER!! Are they really alive? Anyone please! If you know what are those... PLEASE TELL ME! I'M CURIOUS!!! WHAT THE HECK ARE THOSE!!!???

There's always time for... POKEMON TIME!

Cherubi evolved into Cherrim!! -trained for 2hrs nonstop to make it evolve- ^^


Akira Star

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