Well, Hello There...


Sunday, September 09, 2007 @ 8:50 PM


Today I saw the thing that struck a pang of regret in my heart... If only I didn't itchy leg go walk into that game shop... If only I didn't... The thing I saw is this... This CRIMSON BLACK NDS Lite!

It's so shiny! The DS of my dreams... The colour of blood... BLOOD... Did I say it's shiny? +_+

If only I didn't walk into that shop...

If only I didn't look up at the shelves with all the DS sitting up there...

If only I didn't bought my pink DS earlier... -Sorry my pink DS-chan... It's not your fault... It's mine...-

If only I can spray paint my pink DS... -but I scare it will damage the DS... Sorry pink DS-chan again-

If only I got $269 extra so I can buy it... -but what am I gonna do with 2 DS-

If only I didn't like the colour red...

If only I didn't get brainwash by that Crimson Black NDS...

If only I can forget about that Crimson Black NDS...

Nevermind... I still like you, Pink DS-chan... *muacks*

Anyway... Let's move on to...

Who's that Pokemon!?
It's Cherubi!

Number: 420
Type: Grass
Evolves to Cherrim.

Cherubi (チェリンボ, Cherinbo) has a round, deep-pink body with two stubby feet. It has beady eyes, and a red stripe running down part of its face. Cherubi has a short stem with two big, green leaves and a second, much smaller head growing out of it. This second head contains nutrients needed for Cherubi's growth. When Cherubi is about to evolve, the second head starts to wilt.

Name origin
Cherubi's name is a combination of "cherry", and cherubic, which can mean "innocent" or "childlike". The rubi in its name may also be from ruby, a shade of red.
Cherinbo's name is based off the English word cherry and the Japanese word for cherry, 桜桃(sakuranbo).

-quoted from Bulbapedia-

-Maybe I should name my DS-chan, Cherubi ^^

Akira Star

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