Flying off
Friday, February 16, 2007 @ 6:47 PM
will be flying off on 17th feb 4.50pm... will be back in Singapore at 24th early morning... ^^
Must miss mi wor!~ Love all of u!~
Akira Star
Akira Star
Good bye W15M
@ 12:46 AM

End of semester2 already... i will definitely miss my class W15M... T_T
Here are the last few days of semester2 pictures... [actually it's onli 2 days of pictures =X]
This is the video made by fazillah!~ Our Goodbye video... T_T
Akira Star
Akira Star
Friday, February 09, 2007 @ 2:50 PM
Today, 9th Jan, I HAVE GOT MY "O" LEVEL RESULTS!!!

Click to view...
I still recalled last year I got D7 for my English... I was damn sad... My parents scolded me like hell... Now I am really happy cos I have got the grade I wanted... But I think I can do better... ^_^
I think my grade last year got some mistake, maybe marking error =X But nevermind.. it's all over =) Thank god... *phew*
Akira Star
Akira Star
VK clothes!
Thursday, February 08, 2007 @ 10:14 PM
My Vampire Knight Cross Academy Day Class Girl's Uniform has finally arrived!!! And it's with me now... So happy!~ Luckily it can fit me ^^ I think this costed me around $70 plus/minus...

Those who dunno what's Vampire Knight... This is the picture^^ It's a manga... no anime yet, i think...

Here's a picture of it~ Nice? O_o [there's also a skirt but I didn't take any pix... it's juz a plain black skirt like school one loh...]
I still need to buy a white long sleeves collar shirt, long black socks and shoes for this outfit... And also contact lens... Still need to sew the shiny bits on the shirt!! Sigh... So troublesome... Need to spend more $$...
Oh ya... I still need $150 for my walolita outfit!!! ROAR!!! T_T
Akira Star
Akira Star
Wednesday, February 07, 2007 @ 10:45 AM
On monday, 5th Jan, there is a FIRE DRILL in RP after 1st breakout. Our class, W15M, were actually ignoring the fire drill... Lazy to get up and leave the classroom... But in the end, we still leave, taking our precious laptops with us.

ALOT OF PEOPLE right? Very chaotic loh... And it's very boring... Very hot too... And thus this began our photo-taking =)

[note: Our culture facilitator!! Patrick!! *he is at the back*]

Our class!~ [and some missing people... =S those people run away le~~]

More shots!~~ ^_^V

Our final shot!! [taken when we are walking up the stairs back to our class cos the lift is damn packed with people...]

Finally watched finally Zero No Tsukaima!! Realli nice show. Totally enjoyed it *^_^* [thanks to eclair for this show!!]

And also this episode of Kyou no go no ni OVA2!!~ funny like siao!~ [Thanks to Jon (Zereall), my grandpa for this episode ^_^]
Now I watching Demonbane!! New anime!! CHIONG AR!~~
Akira Star
Akira Star