VK clothes!
Thursday, February 08, 2007 @ 10:14 PM
My Vampire Knight Cross Academy Day Class Girl's Uniform has finally arrived!!! And it's with me now... So happy!~ Luckily it can fit me ^^ I think this costed me around $70 plus/minus...

Those who dunno what's Vampire Knight... This is the picture^^ It's a manga... no anime yet, i think...

Here's a picture of it~ Nice? O_o [there's also a skirt but I didn't take any pix... it's juz a plain black skirt like school one loh...]
I still need to buy a white long sleeves collar shirt, long black socks and shoes for this outfit... And also contact lens... Still need to sew the shiny bits on the shirt!! Sigh... So troublesome... Need to spend more $$...
Oh ya... I still need $150 for my walolita outfit!!! ROAR!!! T_T
Akira Star
Akira Star