PON!!! =D
Friday, January 19, 2007 @ 11:41 PM
Today, 19th Jan, 12 of us from W15M pon sch, after much discussion in the class msn conference! we ran off during our 1st breakout! The problem for cognitive is soooo boring... It's like wth... morality thing again... Even though I've already gotten the outsource le loh. lolx!~

Here is the 11 of us, starting from me, jackie, x.yuan, lance, venn, fazi [surprising even fazi pon! too bad never buy toto =X], alwyn, zhi qiang, angelynn, yindi and jay! the 12th person is the camera man, kuan huat! we are having our brunch during 2nd meeting =X
After eating, we all decided to go to jay's house! Her house is damn big loh!! Semi-D!! But we gotta travel until bukit timah there... Since jay dunno how to take bus to go to her house =.= we have to take taxi instead... so our group was split into 3! 3 taxis!! Angelynn and Lance have something on so they didnt come with us.
The first taxi was me, jackie and jay... our taxi fare cost $10.50 [the cheapest, glad to have jay with us =X] 2nd one was fazi, yindi, x.yuan... their was $10.80 and they were damn fed up with their taxi driver. He dunno how to go there, still call my friend to read the map for him. my friend, yindi, go scold by saying "i was not paid to read the map". LOLX!~ The last taxi was the remaining 4 guys. Their fare was the most expensive loh! $12 i think... i think the taxi uncle go drive round round. =X
I played on the judo mats with jackie there =D she was trying to teach me some moves... but dunno why i cannot make it loh... =.= the rest was either sitting around watching other who are playing ps2 or playing on their laptop or even trying out the piano and drum set. i played king of fighter there =D using my fav chars, mai, yuri and athena.. i anyhow press also can win jackie 2 times =P i onli played for 3 rounds. my left thumb got a bubble le... T_T damn bubble... stupid blister... my hands not fit for playing playstation le T_T SAD SiA!!
Oh ya, i've got my super snowboard too!! the newest limited edition item in maplestory!! lvl70 weapon, weapon atk 85, magic atk 85, speed +20!! better than red whip! haha!~ how to get it? it's a combination of 6 snowboards (sky, aqua, silver, gold, dark and blood) [good thing i have got 2 sets, can sacrifice one set =X]. check out maplesea web for more info!
here's the pix of my fire mage holding it [cool hoh!]:

one more thing, at jay's house, she even own a dog! female de! very cute, guai [cos never bark or bite one...] and one more thing... SMELLY!! But one thing she dun like is guys!! LOL! funny sia... she kept running away from the guys esp. zhi qiang =X
Next stop for me, is BBDC [bukit batok driving centre]. Time for me to take my BTT. so kan chiong loh... scare fail... the beside me, i think is indian guy... never listen to instructions anyhow press then the computer go marked him as absent... sad loh... the instructor still laugh and suan him, say "see ar. anyhow press. never ask me first. now u can go home already." Because of tat, make mi even more kan chiong... =.=

And YeAH! i pass! see the word there? "PASSED" happy loh!! *dances around*
Eric and WK also passed =D 3 of us all passed! When i was leaving the BBDC, i saw sean O_o surprise sia... he is going to take his driving practice loh... *jealous!!!* So we [mi, wk, eric] went to IMM to celebrate. was "forced" to eat kopitam T_T the food i order, jap egg with rice and breaded chicken thingy. the chicken tasted like cardboard, tasteless *blehx* and the rice got "ABC" [puik's fav sweetcorn, peas and carrot] the peas tasted like powder... so in the end, i onli eat the egg =.=
After that we went to walk walk in Daisou, the cheap $2 stuff shop.

and we decided to play with the japanese masks there. Cute rite?! Try to guess who is who =D [pix 3 and 4, same person, juz close up nia] btw, does any of the masks looked familiar? *winks*
That's about it then... Nth else to type unless u wanna read about boring stuff like the journey home. One word to describe it... "BORING" ok... end.. ^_^
Akira Star
Akira Star