Big Chefs. Little Chefs.
Sunday, September 20, 2009 @ 11:25 PM
::18th Sept 09::
Warning... Will definitely has picture spams :(
Went out shopping with my mama, aunt and Daryl at Jurong Point. Popped by the Jurong West public library as well, to check if they've got my Nora Roberts' books there. And no, they don't :( Suddenly I felt like reading Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham :) Searching using the NLB Catalogue and found out... Dr. Seuss' books are all at the preschool section :\ And sadly, the book I was looking for was in a big book compiled with other stories of Dr. Seuss... So I had no choice but to read it on the spot. I had fun whispering the words to myself xD Children would think I'm crazy if I had actually read out loud :\

Anyway, I borrowed "The Lorax" from the library.
Another one of my Dr. Seuss favourite :)
Later, I had my hair trim at Anchorpoint's EC House. My fringe looks weird now D:
At around 6pm, I made my way to XueNi's house to begin on Edmund's birthday present!! Spent the time cutting felt cloth letters out. Soon Puikwan and ShunAn have arrived Anchorpoint. XueNi and I stopped our work and went to meet them. 4 of us, Epsilons, were meeting up to bake Edmund's birthday cake! Actually, Edmund's birthday is on the 18th Sept, which is today but we were going to celebrate for him tomorrow. Had our dinner at the food court there and also stopped by Cold Storage to get the remaining ingredients, like UHT chocolate milk, Philadelphia cream cheese and a tray of eggs~

Gave XueNi something I drew yesterday :)

My dinner, chicken cutlet with spaghetti :P
At around 6pm, I made my way to XueNi's house to begin on Edmund's birthday present!! Spent the time cutting felt cloth letters out. Soon Puikwan and ShunAn have arrived Anchorpoint. XueNi and I stopped our work and went to meet them. 4 of us, Epsilons, were meeting up to bake Edmund's birthday cake! Actually, Edmund's birthday is on the 18th Sept, which is today but we were going to celebrate for him tomorrow. Had our dinner at the food court there and also stopped by Cold Storage to get the remaining ingredients, like UHT chocolate milk, Philadelphia cream cheese and a tray of eggs~

Gave XueNi something I drew yesterday :)

My dinner, chicken cutlet with spaghetti :P
We went back up to XueNi's house and began our baking at 9pm. Late, eh? And... why XueNi's house? Because she had all the baking equipments!! xD Like I had mention in my "Ingredients. Ingrediants." post. Our plan was to bake 2 different cheesecake and combine half of each to make a whole cake. Extremely unique, right??? xD We started off by taking out the ingredients we need to use first and put the rest in the fridge for chilling and of course, read the cook book for instructionsss.

Library book as well ;)

The 2 cheesecakes we were going to make :D
Half Chinese and half English. Hurray for English words! So I could read it too :D

Library book as well ;)

The 2 cheesecakes we were going to make :D
Half Chinese and half English. Hurray for English words! So I could read it too :D
Firstly, we had to bake a sponge cake for the base of the Chocolate Milk Cheesecake. We named it as the "Low class cake".

Lined the cake tin with grease proof paper,
using the butter to help stick the paper to the tin.

Sieved flour~

4 eggs, flour, cake emulsifier, water and caster sugar together.

It's getting fatter!!!

Lined the cake tin with grease proof paper,
using the butter to help stick the paper to the tin.

Sieved flour~

4 eggs, flour, cake emulsifier, water and caster sugar together.
And then we... whisked the mixture!~ Whisking to me is the extremely fun part of baking :) Too bad my house do not have one, while XueNi has two of those whisking blending machines! *jealous* After that, we poured the mixture into the cake tin and popped it into the preheated oven.

It's getting fatter!!!
Anyway, while this sponge cake's getting fatter as the time went by, we started on the vanilla cheesecake next. Can't start on the chocolate cheesecake yet, because we have to put the sponge cake in the freezer first and later let it thaw for an hour before we could use it for the chocolate one.

Fresh milk, vanilla essence, Philadelphia cream cheese and 3 egg yolks!
Whisked it up as well~

This is another step where we have to whisk the egg whites and caster sugar
until a soft peak is formed.

Soft peak thingy.
It's undroppable!

Both mixtures done :)

Mixed both of the mixtures together in the cake tin
and steam-bake it in the preheated oven :)

Fresh milk, vanilla essence, Philadelphia cream cheese and 3 egg yolks!
Whisked it up as well~

This is another step where we have to whisk the egg whites and caster sugar
until a soft peak is formed.

Soft peak thingy.
It's undroppable!

Both mixtures done :)

Mixed both of the mixtures together in the cake tin
and steam-bake it in the preheated oven :)
Noticed we could use the cake tin already means... the sponge cake is done xD We only had one cake tin, you see... So tata~ Presenting the "low class cake"...

Cut it into three parts and popped them in the freezer.

Cut it into three parts and popped them in the freezer.
While waiting for the vanilla cheesecake to be done (~50mins), we all head back to XueNi's room to rest and also to continue on the present, sewing... Sewing is definitely not my forte :( We didn't actually spent the whole time sewing. I was looking at her mangas and also her Junjou Romantica artbook!! xD Suddenly I received a call from Edmund, which I passed my handphone to Puikwan and ShunAn. I was too engrossed in looking at those BL scenes :X Edmund shocked us as he appeared to be crying over the phone. Puikwan and ShunAn managed to cheer him up in the end :) And they decided to make a card for him. A really insincerity looking card but it's filled with love. Contridicting right? So while they were making the card, XueNi and I were doing the sewing of the cushion cover.

Who's who in EOY? xD

Bits and pieces to sew on the cloth.

The card was completed with primary school drawings in a blink of an eye O_O
Even purposely tore the card and scotch-tape it back :X


Epsilon... =_=

Special poem that makes no sense.

The back view.

Who's who in EOY? xD

Bits and pieces to sew on the cloth.

The card was completed with primary school drawings in a blink of an eye O_O
Even purposely tore the card and scotch-tape it back :X


Epsilon... =_=

Special poem that makes no sense.

The back view.
After the card was done and the sewing... not at all, "Ding" went the oven timer. Yay! The vanilla cheesecake was done! The only step left was to let it cool for an hour. Oh ya, we also took the sponge cake from the freezer to let it thaw.

Ice bits could be seen too xD!

Since only 1/3 of the sponge cake is going to be used in the chocolate cheesecake,
so we ate the rest :P

Ice bits could be seen too xD!

Since only 1/3 of the sponge cake is going to be used in the chocolate cheesecake,
so we ate the rest :P
With the cake tin available for use, we finally started on the chocolate milk cheesecake!! Soon, it will be over... ^^'''

Mixed and boiled the UHT chocolate milk, cream cheese,
flour and 5 egg yolks over the stove.

All lumpy :(

Mixed and boiled the UHT chocolate milk, cream cheese,
flour and 5 egg yolks over the stove.
Well, something went wrong and we didn't know how to solve it. The flour didn't manage to mix well with the rest of the mixture. The flour hardened into tiny balls of flour and the whole mixture became rather lumpy. Even tried using the whisk machine, didn't work as well. We decided to proceed on as usual... DON'T HAVE ANYMORE TIME TO REMAKE! All shops were already closed too :\ The time was approximately 3-4am or so. Proceeded to dump lots of chocolate chips in! They tasted really yummy :P!

All lumpy :(

Next, we put the 1/3 sponge cake into the cake tin. It acts as the base of the chocolate cheesecake. And we poured the mixture in and sprinkled a few more chocolate chips on top ;) Lastly, steam-baked it in the preheated oven for 125mins. DAMN! I really hate waiting now :\
Went back to continue with the sewing~ While ShunAn and Puikwan became 花瓶s and kept snatching the "blanket" from each other. The room was really cold!!! I managed to bear with it because I had my cardigan and am wearing jeans. And... soon... the sewing was done! Phew~ Only left for XueNi to use her sewing machine later to sew the cover pieces together.

Front: Princess Edmund
Back: Epsilon

Epsilon can too, be a brand name as well!! xD
Our very own brand.
(Note: it has the 5 colours of our aliens, excluding black.)
Went back to continue with the sewing~ While ShunAn and Puikwan became 花瓶s and kept snatching the "blanket" from each other. The room was really cold!!! I managed to bear with it because I had my cardigan and am wearing jeans. And... soon... the sewing was done! Phew~ Only left for XueNi to use her sewing machine later to sew the cover pieces together.

Front: Princess Edmund
Back: Epsilon

Epsilon can too, be a brand name as well!! xD
Our very own brand.
(Note: it has the 5 colours of our aliens, excluding black.)
After cleaning up the mess, we went out to check on the cake. Time passed... "Ding!" We let the cake to cool for 45mins, because we THOUGHT it was ready!! But then, it was not. A lot of time was wasted indeed, as we had to put the cake back into the oven and later to let it cool again... All of us went to sleep on the hard cold floor of the extremely cold room at around 5.45am. Well, except for XueNi. I set my handphone alarm to 6.20am so we could all wake up and decorate the cake.
And guess what? I didn't even hear the alarm rang at all, especially when I said that I'm a light sleeper :X Puikwan went to switch it off and went back to sleep :\ I later then woke up at 7.30am, went out to take a look at the chocolate cheesecake. XueNi asked me to go into the other room so I could sleep on the bed. Like yay!! :D Oh ya, XueNi and her mama helped in completing the cushion cover, while we all were still sleeping!! ^^'''

And guess what? I didn't even hear the alarm rang at all, especially when I said that I'm a light sleeper :X Puikwan went to switch it off and went back to sleep :\ I later then woke up at 7.30am, went out to take a look at the chocolate cheesecake. XueNi asked me to go into the other room so I could sleep on the bed. Like yay!! :D Oh ya, XueNi and her mama helped in completing the cushion cover, while we all were still sleeping!! ^^'''

Anyway, ShunAn, Puikwan and I woke up at 9.30am. OMG!! XueNi and I were going to be late for our appointment at Yio Chu Kang MRT control station! We were supposed to go collect our GoJane boots there at 11.30am. If we were late more than 15mins, we had to pay a penalty fee of $10 in order to collect our boots :\ So mean.
Ahem... Ya, decorating of the cake. We cut the both of the cakes into half and combine them. And started decorating it by using icing and M&Ms. We also tried to use the coloured whipped cream we made yesterday, but they were "spoilt" (Not sure what's the right word to use :X). They had became rather... watery instead. Only the yellow, blue and green ones were usable.



Ahem... Ya, decorating of the cake. We cut the both of the cakes into half and combine them. And started decorating it by using icing and M&Ms. We also tried to use the coloured whipped cream we made yesterday, but they were "spoilt" (Not sure what's the right word to use :X). They had became rather... watery instead. Only the yellow, blue and green ones were usable.



AND IT RAINED DOGS, CATS, ELEPHANTS, GIRAFFES, THE WHOLE ZOO!!! Yes, it was really that heavily :\ We divided the remaining cakes into quarters to bring back, packed up and left the house. And a big thank you to XueNi for letting us used your kitchen :)
The post will continued on the next post, "Happy Birthday, Edmund!"
Btw, we took around 8-9 hours for this baking and sewing preparation thing! xD
The post will continued on the next post, "Happy Birthday, Edmund!"
Btw, we took around 8-9 hours for this baking and sewing preparation thing! xD
Labels: birthday, crafts, drawing, epsilon, food, friend's house, preparation, stayover
Akira Star
Akira Star